
Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Man, I needed that. I haven't laughed that hard in a really long time. Even though only a handful of people came out for the Mammary Micetro, I think it was one of the best ones I have attended. Really talented performers. Really hysterical scenes. And a really great crowd. And we raised $80 for the Avon Walk!

Thank you to Corn Productions for the use of the space. Thank you to Matt for co-hosting with me. Thank you to all of the performers and audience members for coming out. And congratulations to our "official" winner Shaun and our "unoffical" winner Jenni who walked away with fake boobs and a pink sequined bra, respectively. You guys cracked my **** up.

So now that the fundraising events are over, it's time to focus on the walking. It's only about two weeks away! Eep!

Thank you to everyone who has come out to my fundraising events, and to everyone who has made donations in my name, and to everyone who has sent me a word of encouragement or two. I could not do this without you guys and you have all helped to make this one of the most amazing events of my life. Thank you.

Sunday, May 23, 2004

So I walked for about six and a half hours today. I'm not exactly sure how far I went, but it was far enough to make my hips hurt and to get a smidge of a sunburn on the back of my neck. And I have to say, first of all, I love my mom for going with me on this walk (Chicago to Glenview). Secondly, I have no doubt I'll be able to do the whole walk. And thirdly, I am SO glad I took the Monday after the walk off of work because I'm going to need that time to recuperate.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

Mammary Micetro!!!

May 25th!
Cornservatory (4210 N. Lincoln)
Doors open at 8:00 pm, Games start about 8:45 or 9

Come on out and be ready to laugh your little butts off at the Mammary Micetro. This is a short form comedy improv competition that starts with 20 performers and ends with the funniest one left standing.

Who can play? Anyone who wants to. The first 20 people to sign up get to play games as seen on Whose Line is it Anyway? and other great short form comedy improv shows (don't ask me to name another. Please).

What if I don't want to play? We still need an audience! As an audience member, it will be your job to yell out suggestions to our performers, yell "DIE!!!" when our performers screw up, score the quality of the scenes, and laugh until it hurts.

And of course, all of the proceeds from this event will go to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.

So come on out! May 25th. 4210 N. Lincoln (there are big corn stalks painted on the front of the building - you can't miss it). Five dollars. BYOB. Doors open at 8:00pm. I'll see you there!

Friday, May 14, 2004

We're supposed to get information today about the actual walk route and where cheering stations and whatnot will be located. I'm getting antsy waiting for it! I'll post all of the info here, of course, just in case any of you want to come cheer us on that weekend. I can't believe it's only about three weeks away. Yikes. All this hard work is just about to pay off.

Thank you again to all of you for your love, support and enthusiasm. I would not have made it this far if it wasn't for you. So thank you.
So the Under the Wire Fundraising Event is tonight! Truth be told, I'm nervous. Tessa and I have things pretty well under control, I'm just worried about the size of the crowd. I hope people come out because I know they will have a good time once they are there. How could they not? I just hope they realize that.

Thursday, May 06, 2004

One of the women who contributed to my walk effort has just recently found a cancerous lump in her breast. It's so strange when it becomes present and real like that. I don't think she made a donation in the hopes it would help her someday, but that may be how it turns out.

I thank her for her support and am proud to walk in her honor. We're all pulling for you.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004


Three thousand dollars.

I feel like Dr. Evil when I say it.

Three. Thousand. Dollars.

You know, I was having one of those uber-frustrating days at work wherein you are convinced that everyone around you has the combined IQ of a chickpea, and then I got a little e-mail message saying, "You have received a donation." And I went to check my site and saw that I am at $3,000 exactly. I am on the verge of tears.

I wish I had a little chart or something that said one dollar is a mammogram for a woman without heath insurance and ten dollars is a doctor's visit and one hundred dollars is funding for a multilingual helpline for a month or whatever the conversion from dollars to actual assistance is so that I could say to you guys, "You have helped one thousand women get help," or "You saved one hundred lives" or whatever. I don't know if you guys know how much your donations help make a difference, or how many lives your generosity touches. All I can tell you is that it touches mine, and through me, it touches the lives of every person whose name appears on my Avon Walk t-shirt (I'll be posting a picture of the shirt soon) and for that, I thank you.

Three. Thousand. Dollars.

Thank you.

Monday, May 03, 2004

Wow, a lot of walking this weekend. I did about a nine mile walk in the mist and wind and ick that was Saturday in Chicago. I thought about wimping out and taking the train home from my ADR session, but if it rains the weekend of the Walk, we're still walking, so I figured I should go for it anyway. Probably the most important part, though, is that after the walk, I took a short nap and was still able to do my show that night and do a shorter walk the next day. So I should be fine come the actual event. As long as I can keep myself from going crazy thinking things like, "One mile to go..."

I also started putting the names of the people I am walking in honor of on my T-shirt. I hope to finish that up soon so I can put a photo of the shirt on my Avon Walk home page. I am truly honored to be walking for those who can't, but it is also very sad how many names I am putting on my shirt, both of survivors and non-survivors. This disease has touched so many people. Here's hoping that ends soon. Thanks to you guys, it just might.

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